Little did I know that - and didn't find out until page 35 or so,
Bonnie Fuller wrote a piece of my childhood. When I reached age 12 and desperately wanted to be cool and thought that 17 year olds actually read "Seventeen", I discovered that in Magazine Town there were two types of girls. You were either a "Seventeen" girl or a "
YM" girl... and I was like, so
Young & Modern.
YM was Fuller's sophomore project, following her stint as Editor-In-Chief of
Flare and prior to her time at
Marie Claire. She had to take on YM really or else her resume would have rhymed far too easily.
Fuller's energy is both exciting and encouraging. And she puts her advice in plain, smack you in the ass English. Ladies, in order to be successful, you have to work at your success! Work hard and you'll get it. Play hard and you'll discover
The Joys of Much Too Much.
Fuller's advice is to live your life to the full - go for the guy, the job, the apartment, the baby - anything you want. It's her positive you-can-do-it attitude that contributed to Fuller's own success and the success of many a publication she laid her hands on. Ahema hema hem... YM. I admire Fuller for being so open and brass about her own experience. Criticized as someone who stirred the pot with many a housewife, I feel Fuller has been the role model us career gals have been missing. Want a job? Get it. Want a baby? Have it. Want the Perfect Guy? Find him. Have it all? Work your way through it.
Admittedly I was a little fatigued when I finished the book but it was no Dr. Phil type of tired. That man needs a shmoke and a pancake. Instead, Fuller makes you want to roll the shmoke and cook that pancake yourself. Check it out if you're needing a swift kick in your career ass. More info